Mon appli de maths CP avec BDG

by Éditions JOCATOP



DescriptionThis application, accessible from the Jocastore platform, offers 300 basic exercises covering the entire CP mathematics program through four categories:• counting;• calculations;• geometry;• measures.Two levels of difficulty are proposed for each exercise, as well as adapted visual aids. A "slate" tool allows you to annotate the exercises by writing, circling, crossing out elements.2 modes of useFree mode: the student exercises freely on the different activities offered.Student mode: all the results are saved and can be analyzed by the teacher in the “Report” part of the Teacher menu.Teacher menuThe teacher menu allows you to modify the application settings:• selection of active modes;• selection of active categories;• selection of active notions.Exercise settings are possible:• adjustment of exercise time;• reading or not of titles and instructions (sound parameters).The teacher menu also allows you to manage student results with group creation and access to individual reports for each exercise. The teacher has the freedom to manage the work sessions himself or to leave the child autonomous.Goals• Understand and use whole numbers to count, order, identify, compare.• Name, read, write, represent whole numbers.• Solve problems using whole numbers and calculation.• Calculate with whole numbers.• Compare, estimate, measure lengths, masses, capacities, durations.• Use the lexicon, the units, the specific measurement instruments for these quantities.• Solve problems involving lengths, masses, capacities, durations, prices.Summary01 - Numeration• Numbers from 0 to 9• Compare numbers from 0 to 9• The family of 10• The family of 20• The family of 30• The family of 40• The family of 50• Units and tens• The 60s and 70s family• The 80s and 90s family02 - Calculations• To the small additions• Small additions• Towards small subtractions• Small subtractions• Complements to 10• Doubles• Halves• Online bill• Addition of tens and units• Online subtraction• Addition set03 - Geometry• The positions• Move on grid• Identification and reproduction on grid• Square, rectangle, triangle• Solids04 - Measurements• Measure a length• Currency• Time, days• The masses.